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Factor analysis related to the result of work
〜 Beyond the intuitive theory of the past 〜

● Object of the research
The object of this research is to define the factors related to work results and job performance. Although which employee achieves what level of result may be recognized experientially, this recognition is only done through "intuition". No verification or confirmation has been made as to the validity of this recognition. That being the case, we planned this research as one way of attempt to abolish this idea of "intuition" as the only way to recognize the work results.
Contribution from each participant will show this research as a meaningful analysis of factors affecting the result of work, which goes beyond the simple methods of empiricism. Understanding our purpose, we hope that you will fill-in and submit the questionnaire below. The result of analysis will be presented at this site.
We guarantee that any confidential information will be handled discretely, and will not be released in any way at any time. Your answers to the questionnaire will be handled only statistically.

● Questionnaire
Please answer to the following questions (basically you only need to chose one answer):

Q1:Do you objectively think you achieved your performance goals at your last annual efficiency rating or result management sheet?
completely mostly somewhat not at all
Q2:Did you experience any of the following events during the last year? (mark all that apply)
pay raise bonus increase promotion transfer to a leading section
Q3:Over the past three years, do you objectively think you were successful at work?
absolutely mostly somewhat not at all
Q4:Do you agree with your company's business policy?
Yes for the most part not really No
Q5:Do you agree with the ideas of your company's senior management?
Yes for the most part not really No
Q6:Do you think your present salary reflects your results at work?
Yes for the most part not really No
Q7:Do you think your present salary reflects your abilities presented at work?
Yes for the most part not really No
Q8:Which of the following proves the most useful at helping you perform your job?
company sponsored workshops 
company sponsored correspondence courses
on-the-job training from senior associates
your own personal experience in doing actual work
Q9:How often do you disagree with your manager at work?
frequently some times rarely almost never
Q10:How often do you discuss your work with your colleague?
frequently some times rarely almost never
Q11:Do you think your present work matches with what you want to do?
Yes for the most part not really No
Q12:How would you feel if you were transferred to a position you were not interested in?
very dissatisfied a little dissatisfied not so bothered
not bothered at all
Q13:Do you feel the time you spend at work is long?
very long feel long sometimes not so long never felt long
Q14:How do you feel about working over time?
great burden don't like it very much don't mind no burden at all
Q15:Are you always confident of success in your work?
Yes, very confident somewhat confident not so confident
not confident at all 
Q16:Which do you think best describes your approach to doing your work?
plan well before you start
plan to some degree before you start
start for the time being and see
never plan, just do
Q17:Do you specialize in one field, or are you experienced in many areas?
specialized in one field
specialized in few fields
experienced in several areas
experienced in many areas
Q18:Do you want to be experienced in many areas or be specialized in one field?
experienced in many areas
experienced in several areas
specialized in few fields
specialized in one field
Q19:Do you feel that there might be a chance you could be laid-off by your company?
definitely Sometimes perhaps Never
Q20:Which of the following promotion systems do you prefer?
promotions based on personal relationships
promotions based on age
promotions based on an individual abilities
promotions based on performance results of each individual
Q21:Are you married?
Yes No
The following 2 questions are for those who answered "married" on question 21:
Q21-1: How often do you talk about your work with your spouse?
frequently sometimes seldom almost never
Q21−2:How often do you argue with your spouse?
frequently sometimes seldom  almost never
Q22:Are you currently studying/preparing for any certification tests/examinations?
Yes no, but plan to No No, and do not plan to
Q23:Do you read any business journals or books to get ideas or to increase your professional knowledge of your job?
frequently sometimes not often No

※Questions 24 through 31 are for those who graduated college, junior college, vocational college, or have received a Master's degree.

Q24:How many classes did you receive an 'A' in school?
0-24% 25-49% 50-74% 75-100%
Q25:Were you a member of any club at school?
athletic clubs atheletic circles cultural clubs
cultural citcles none
Q26:Which of the following do you think was most important to you when you were in school?
general education curriculum your chosen major language education
circle activities club activities part-time jobs
Q27:Did you perform in any leadership roles in classes or clubs at school?
never seldom sometimes often
Q28:Do you think what you studied as your major is meaningful or useful in your present work?
Very useful to some degree not very much Not at all
Q29:Do you think the general education you received is meaningful or useful in your present work?
Very useful to some degree not very much Not at all
Q30:Which of the following experience do you think is applied most in your present work?
general education curriculum your chosen major 
part-time job experience club activity experience
Q31:How much you utilize your chosen major in your present work?
often sometimes seldom almost never

※The following questions are for all questionnaire participants.

Male Female 
years old
Q34:Field of your company
Q35:Size of your company
less than 10 employees 10-49 employees 50-299 employees
300-999 employees 1000-4999 employees 5000-9999 employees
more than 10000 employees
Q36:Your job field
Q37:Years of employment at present company
Q38:Number of times you have changed your job
1 2 more than 3 never
Q39:Academic background
junior high school graduate high school graduate
junior college, vocational college graduate University graduate
master's or doctorate degree
Q41:Experience of studying abroad while in school (more than 1 year)
Yes No
Q42:Experience of studying abroad after graduation (more than 1 year)
Yes No
Q43:Present annual income
Q44:Score on "Seven Layers Model" (which is carried on the Nikkei BP Expert.com homepage) *Not available in English
Q45:Public qualification
Real Estate Business Small or Medium Enterprise Management Consultant
Certified Social Insurance Labor Consultant CPA Judicial Scrivener
Licensed Tax Accountant Bookkeeping Grade 1 
Financial Planner Test of English Proficiency (above grade 1)
TOEIC (above 600 points)  National Bar Examination Patent Lawyer
others (specifically


※Thank you for your time in filling in our questionaire.
The result of analysis will be presented in this Hom Page shortly.

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